If it's Laughter You're After


by Allen Klein

Sometimes it is hard to find something to laugh about. So here are
twenty-two simple suggestions to help you in your quest.

1) Do something different. Eat with you opposite hand, etc.

2) Create a humor environment. Have funny signs around like "never wrestle with a pig, you both get dirty and the pig likes it."

3) Diffuse anxieties by preparing alternative humorous responses to stress situations, such as, "beam me up, Scotty."

4) Experiment with jokes. Learn one a week and spread it around. (Remember, however, that jokes are only a small part of humor).

5) Laughter is contagious. When you need a chuckle, call a humor-buddy or hang around with people who make you laugh.

6) Make a conscious effort to collect funny stuff. Write down and file things that amuse you.

7) Focus humor on self. After you’ve used up all the funny things about yourself you can move on to others.

8) Share your troubles. Laughter and tears are both cathartic.

9) Seek the child within. It’s still there wanting to play.

10) Hang around children. They are some of our greatest teachers.

11) Be positive. Find someone doing something right, or almost right, and tell them about it!

12) Keep FUN-raising items handy. Toys, signs, posters, etc.

13) Intimidated? Draw a cartoon of the person who annoys you; make it as outrageous as possible. . . or visualize that person sitting on the toilet.

14) Give fun gifts. Garage sales often have great inexpensive silly items.

15) Can’t laugh? Smile! Can’t smile? Fake it!

16) Remember that you are not becoming a comedian, you are seeking humor for balance and perspective.

17) Dress-up. Halloween, April Fool’s Day, and Mad Hatter’s Dinner Parties are great for this.

18) Schedule playtime. If you don’t, it probably won’t happen.

19) Waste some time. Type-A behaviors don’t know how to do nothing.

20) It's OK to be silly. When things get too serious, sometimes nonsense makes the most sense.

21) Look for opportunities in the negative. They’re always there!

22) Practice. Practice. Practice.


Why did I select twenty-two ways to go after laughter? For no particular
reason except that twenty-two is my lucky number. (Good thing my lucky
number is not 8,437.)


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