The Healing Power of Humor
by Allen Klein
Forward by O. Carl Simonoton, M.D.
Paperback, 213 pages
Tarcher/Putnam Publishers
Book Summary:
Brimming with pointed, humorous anecdotes and learn-to-laugh techniques, The Healing Power of Humor combines the wisdom of the world's greatest spiritual teachers with the insights of famed humorists, comedians, and others to help you turn life's negatives into positives.
A Word from the Author:
This book was written after my wife died of a terminal illness. It is a tribute to her and her wonderful sense of humor which helped her and those around her cope with what she was going through. I am honored that this book has helped so many people and that it has become a classic in the field.
Table of Contents
Prologue: Double Your Money
Part I
Learning to Laugh
Chapter 1Ð What You Get When You Laugh
Chapter 2Ð What You Need to Know Before You Learn to Laugh
Part II
When You Feel Like Crying: Techniques for Getting Through Trying Times
Number 1: Spotting Life's Upsets
Number 2: Joke-Jitsu
Number 3: Exaggerate!!
Number 4: Laugh While the Irony is Hot
Number 5: Attitude: Whistle a Happy Tune
Number 6: Reminders: Prop Power
Number 7: Let a Smile Be Your Umbrella
Number 8: Child's Play
Number 9: Add Some Nonsense
Number 10: Wordplay
Number 11: Let Go
Number 12: He Who Laughs First
Number 13: Finding the Advantage in Your Disadvantage
Number 14: The World as Your Laff Lab
Part III
The Last Laugh
Chapter 3Ð Less of a Grave Matter
Chapter 4Ð To Die Laughing
Chapter 5Ð A Happy Ending
"When we found out that my father had cancer, we were sustained by three reading sources- your Healing Power of Humor, the "Chicken Soup" books, and the Bible."
Lake City, FL
"This book shows you how to laugh-as well as explaining why you should. Just reading it made me feel better."
Arte Ulene, M.D.
NBC Today Show Health Commentator
"Provides practical advice as to the fundamental importance of humor and laughter."
Steve Allen
"A must gift for anyone in the hospital, sick bed, or just feeling blue."
Harold Bloomfield, M.D.
Author of Making Peace with Yourself